Monday, July 15, 2013


Just so you all know, I have no idea who those people are on my slide show!  I think I might have done something wrong...DUH!  I'll try to fix it, however, I should warn you that it could result in pictures of dogs, cats, aliens or just about anything else.

I'm bummed that I haven't posted anything for a while.  The reason/excuse is:
a)  no time
b) too lazy
c) internet is slower and less reliable than a drunk snail
d) the 2 year contract is up with my cell phone company so my phone has exploded/or maybe it imploded
e) nothing much is happening "up nort"
f) it is TOO HOT to think
g)  the dog (yes, I have Kristi's Onyx again) peed on my computer

OKAY, I made the last one up and all the others are probably just convenient excuses except the "too lazy" one.  Although, I have been very busy!  There was the 33rd wedding anniversary trip to northern Wisconsin, the Chicago trip, the Kentucky trip, the western Wisconsin trip (4th of July parade in Ontario, WI was great as were the talent show and fireworks!) and the other trip to Chicago.  Not to forget the American Legion activities (I'm the new vice-commander of Post 66), dog sitting for our neighbor and working with the architect for our house.

Now, I know what you are thinking," If she was this busy she should have been updating at least weekly!"  I need to tell you that "c" the internet thing was also true AND my computer is 12 years old, which in people years is approximately 108 years! Actually, I think I have seen pictures of 108 year old Russian people that process better then my computer!  Not to worry, I'm getting a new laptop when I come back from my next adventure.

I just realized that I didn't mention that I am off and running again.  Wednesday I'm off to Chicago (by train) then going on a long week end with Kristi to Toronto, Canada ( by train  to Buffalo, NY then car) after which, I go to Maine until 7 August.  Then I am back to Wisconsin and am in a parade. (Driving an authentic WWII jeep.)  If I can get my phone to work I will "blog" on the trip. (That could be interesting since I am not really sure how to do that.)

I've got to go and figure out the whole slide show thing.   Later!